
















Applied Energy、Energy、Fuel、International Journal of Heat and Mass

Transfer、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、International Journal of Coal Geology、Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering、IEEE等期刊,审稿人










[1] Song, H., Du, S., Yang, J.,Zhao, Y., & Yu, M. (2022). Evaluation of hydraulic fracturing effect on coalbed methane reservoir based on deep learning method considering physical constraints. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 212, 110360.

[2] Junming Lao, Hongqing Song*, Cheng Wang, Yang Zhou. (2022). Research on atmospheric pollutant and green house gas emission reductions of trucks by substituting fuel oil with hydrogen in the Greater Bay Area, China. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

[3] Zhang, J., Song, H.*, Zhu, W., &Wang, J. (2021). Liquid transport through nanoscale porous media with strong wettability. Transport in Porous Media, 140(3), 697-711.

[4] Song, H.,Zhang, J., Ni, D., Sun, Y., Zheng, Y., Kou, J., ... & Li, Z. (2021).Investigation on in-situ water ice recovery considering energy efficiency at the lunar south pole. Applied Energy, 298, 117136.

[5] Song, H.,Zhang, J., Sun, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Ma, D., & Kou, J. (2021).Theoretical Study on Thermal Release of Helium-3 in Lunar Ilmenite. Minerals,11(3), 319.

[6] Song, H.,Liu, C., Lao, J., Wang, J., Du, S., & Yu, M. (2021). Intelligent Microfluidics Research on Relative Permeability Measurement and Prediction of Two-Phase Flow in Micropores. Geofluids, 2021.

[7] Zhang, T., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Feng, X., Zhu,X., Chen, Z., Song, H., & Sun, S. (2021). Review on space energy. Applied Energy, 292, 116896.

[8] Li, Y., Cheng, S., Li, Z., Song, H.,Guo, M., Li, Z., ... & Li, T. (2021). Using system dynamics to assess the complexity of rural toilet retrofitting: Case study in eastern China. Journal of environmental management, 280, 111655.

[9] Kang, P., Lao, J., Yu, M., Song, H.,& Wang, C. (2021). Reliable prediction on emerging energy supply for National Sustainability and stability: a case study on coal bed gas supply in China based on the dual-LSTM model. IEEE Access, 9, 100694-100707.

[10] Shao, L., Ji, R., Du, S., & Song, H.(2021). Prediction of Fluid Viscosity in Multiphase Reservoir Oil System by Machine Learning. Geofluids, 2021.

[11] 宋洪庆, 都书一, 周园春, 王宇赫, & 王九龙.(2021). 油气资源开发的大数据智能平台及应用分析. 工程科学学报, 43(2), 179-192.

[12] 宋洪庆, 杜恒畅, 张杰, 马冬宇, 张贤国, & 寇珏. (2021). 月球氦-3 资源的原位开采热释放行为研究. 空间科学学报, 41(5), 787-792.

[13] Fan, H., Zhang, L.,Wang, R., Song, H.*,Xie, H., Du, L., & Sun, P. (2020).Investigation on geothermal water reservoir development and utilization with variable temperature regulation: A case study of China. Applied Energy ,275, 115370.

[14] Wang, J., Song, H.*, & Wang, Y., (2020).Investigation on the micro-flow mechanism of enhanced oil recovery by low-salinity water flooding in carbonate reservoir. Fuel, 266, 117156.

[15] Hongqing Song*, Jianjian Xu, JieFang,Zhiguo Cao, Lianzhi Yang, Tianxin Li, Potential for mine water disposal in coal seam goaf: Investigation of storage coefficients in the Shendong mining area. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118646,2020.

[16] Du, S., Wang, R., Wei, C., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, J.,& Song, H.* (2020). The connectivity evaluation among wells in reservoir utilizing machine learning methods. IEEE Access,8, 47209-47219

[17]Song,H., Du, S., Wang, R., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Wei,C.,& Liu, Q.* (2020). Potential for Vertical Heterogeneity Prediction in Reservoir Basing on Machine Learning Methods. Geofluids, 2020.

[18]Yang, L., Xu, J., Fang, J., Cao, Z., Li, T.,& Song, H*.Risk evaluation of groundwater leakage in coal seam goaf: a case study in the Lingxin Mining Area. Environmental science and pollution research,27, 26066–26078,2020.

[19]Xiaohan Chu , Jie He , Hongqing Song ,Yue Qi , Yueqiang Sun , Weihua Bai , Wei Li , Qiwu Wu,Multimodal deep learning for heterogeneous GNSS-R data fusion and ocean wind speed retrieval. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020

[20]Yue, M., Zhang, Q., Zhu, W., Zhang, L., Song, H.,& Li, J. (2020). Effects of proppant distribution in fracture networks on horizontal well performance. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,187, 106816.

[21]Song H, Guo H, Wang Y, et al. A novel hybrid energy system for hydrogen production and storage in a depleted oil reservoir. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020.

[22]Lao J, Song H, Wang C, et al. Reducing atmospheric pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions of heavy duty trucks by substituting diesel with hydrogen in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Shandong region, China. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020.

[23]Jiulong Wang, Hongqing Song*, Rasouli, V., &Killough, J. An integrated approach for gas-water relative permeabilitydetermination in nanoscale porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 173, 237-245, 2019.

[24]Zhang, T., Sun, S., & Song, H*. Flow Mechanism and Simulation Approaches for Shale Gas Reservoirs: A Review. Transport in Porous Media, 126(3),655-681, 2019.

[25]Zhang, Q., Wei, C., Wang, Y., Du, S., Zhou, Y., & Song, H*.   Potential for Prediction of Water Saturation Distribution in Reservoirs Utilizing Machine Learning Methods. Energies,12(19), 3597, 2019.

[26]Guo, X., Du, L., Sun, P., Zhang, J., Shi, X., & Song, H*. An integrated approach to sustainable heat recovery in a sedimentary geothermal reservoir considering surface energy demands. Energy Procedia,158, 6003-6008, 2019.

[27]Zhao, J., Wang, X., Song, H., Du, Y., Cui, W., & Zhou,Y. Spatiotemporal Trend Analysis of PM2. 5 Concentration in China, 1999–2016. Atmosphere, 10(8), 461, 2019.

[28]Wei, C., Zheng, J., Ouyang, X., Ding, Y., Ding, M., Lin, S.,& Song, H. Thief Zone Characterization and its Impact on Well Performance Based on Surveillance Data, Experimental Data and Theoretical Analysis for a Carbonate Reservoir. In SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers,2019.

[29]Zhu, W., Li, B., Liu, Y., Song, H., Yue, M., & Wu, N.(2019). A new calculating method for relative permeability of branched preformed particle gel flooding in composite system. Special Topics& Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal, 10(1),2019.




[33]HongqingSong. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Springer,ISBN 978-981-13-0172-8, 2018

[34]Tan, J.; Song,H.; Zhang, H.; Zhu, Q.; Xing, Y.; Zhang, J.NumericalInvestigation on Infiltration and Runoff in Unsaturated Soils with UnsteadyRainfall Intensity. Water,10, 914, 2018.

[35]Chenji Wei, Liangang Wang, Baozhu Li, Lihui Xiong, ShuangshuangLiu, Jie Zheng, Suming Hu and Hongqing Song, A Study of NonlinearElasticity Effects on Permeability of Stress Sensitive Shale Rocks Using anImproved Coupled Flow and Geomechanics Model: A Case Study of the LongmaxiShale in China, Energies,11(2), 329, 2018

[36]Xuyang Guo, Hongqing Song, John Killough, Li Du,Pengguang Sun, Numerical investigation of the efficiency of emission reduction and heat extraction in a sedimentary geothermal reservoir: a case study of the Daming geothermal field in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,25(5), 4690-4706, 2018

[37]Xuyang Guo, Hongqing Song, Kan Wu, John Killough, Pressure characteristics and performance of multi-stage fractured horizontal well in shale gas reservoirs with coupled flow and geomechanics, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,163, 1-15,

[38]Wang, R., Song, H., Wang, J., & Wang, Y. Permeability and diffusion coefficient prediction of fractal porous media with nanoscale pores for gas transport. Journal of Porous Media, 21(12), 2018.

[39]Qu, Y., Qian, X., Song, H., Xing, Y., Li, Z., & Tan,J. Soil moisture investigation utilizing machine learning approach based experimental data and Landsat5-TM images: A case study in the Mega City Beijing. Water, 10(4), 423,2018.

[40]Yue, M., Zhu, W., Han, H., Song, H., Long, Y., & Lou,Y. Experimental research on remaining oil distribution and recovery performances after nano-micron polymer particles injection by direct visualization. Fuel, 212,506-514, 2018.

[41]Zhang, X., Zhu, W., Cai, Q., Shi, Y., Wu, X., Jin, T., & Song, H. Compressible liquid flow in nano-or micro-sized circular tubes considering wall–liquid Lifshitz–van der Waals interaction. Physics of Fluids, 30(6),062002, 2018.

[42]Zhu, W., Li, J., Lou, Y., & Song, H. Experiment and Capillary Bundle Network Model of Micro Polymer Particles Propagation in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 122(1),43-55, 2018.


[44]Jiulong Wang, Hongqing Song, Weiyao Zhu, Yuhe Wang,John Killough, Flow characteristics and a permeability model in nano porous media with solid-liquid interfacial effects,Interpretation,5(1), SB1-SB8, 2017

[45]Zhiyong Song, Hongqing Song, Dongxu Ma, WeiyaoZhu, Junhong Yu, Morphological characteristics of microscale fractures in gas shale and its pressure-dependent permeability, Interpretation,5(1), SB25-SB31, 2017

[46]Ruifei Wang, Xuhua Gao, Hongqing Song, Xinchun Shang, Analytical modeling of coupled flow and geomechanics for vertical fractured well in tight gas reservoirs, Open Physics, 15, 797-802, 2017

[47]Jiulong Wang, HongqingSong, Tianxin Li, Yuhe Wang, Xuhua Gao, Simulating gas-water relative permeabilities for nanoscale porous media with interfacial effects, Open Physics, 15, 517-524, 2017

[48]Liying Song, Hongqing Song, Jinyi Lin, Cheng Wang,Mingxu Yu, Xiaoxia Huang, Yu Guan, Li Du, PM2.5 Emissions from Different Types of Heavy Duty Truck: A Case Study and Meta-analysis of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(12),11206-11214, 2017.

[49]Chenji Wei, Hongqing Song, Yong Li, Qi Zhang,Benbiao Song,Jiulong Wang, Production Characteristics with Different Superimposed Modes Using Variogram: A Case Study of a Super-Giant Carbonate Reservoir in the Middle Eastn, Energies,10(2), 250, 2017

[50]Hongyan Han, Tianxin Li , Hongqing Song , Yuhe Wang, JohnKillough Experimental Research on Remaining oil Distribution and Recovery Performance after Immiscible and Miscible CO2-WAG Injection by DirectVisualization, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.15(1), pp.47 – 59, 2017

[51]Hongqing Song,Xunmin Ou, Jiehui Yuan, Mingxu Yu, Cheng Wang, Energy consumption and green house gas emissions of diesel/LNG heavy-duty vehicle fleets in China based on a bottom-up model analysis, Energy.15(1),pp.47 – 59,

[52]Zhu, W., Li, B., Liu, Y., Song, H., & Wang, X. Solid-liquid interfacial effects on residual oil distribution utilizing three-dimensional micro network models. Energies,10(12), 2059, 2017.

[53]Huang, G., Kulatilake, P. H., Shreedharan, S., Cai, S., & Song, H. 3-Ddiscontinuum numerical modeling of subsidence incorporating ore extraction and back filling operations in an underground iron mine in China. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,27(2), 191-201, 2017.

[54]Wang, M., Wei, C., Song, H., Efendiev, Y., & Wang, Y.Generalized Multiscale Coupling of Triple-Continuum Model and Discrete Fracture Network for Carbonate Reservoir Simulation. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2017.

[55]Tianxin Li, Hongqing Song, Jiulong Wang, Yuhe Wang, John Killough. An analytical method for modeling and analysis gas-water relative permeability in nanoscale pores with interfacial effects. International Journal of Coal Geology, 159 (2016),71-81.

[56]Gang Huang, Yang Cao, Jiaosheng Yang, Hongqing Song, Yuhe Wang, John Killough, Sijing Cai, Numerical investigation of low-velocity non-Darcy flow of gas and water in coal seams. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34, 124-138, 2016.

[57]Tianxin Li,Li Li,Hongqing Song,Linglong Meng, Shuli Zhang, Evaluation of ground water pollution in a mining area using analytical solution a case study of the Yimin open-pit mine in China. SpringerPlus. 5(1): 1, 2016.

[58]Ruifei Wang, Hongqing Song, Hewei Tang, Yuhe Wang, John Killough, Gang Huang. Analytical modeling of gas production rate in tight channel sand formation and optimization of artificial fracture. SpringerPlus. (2016)5:540

[59]Weiyao Zhu, Yu Lou., Qipeng Liu, Hongqing Song, Jiulong Wang, Ming Yue. Rheological Modeling of Dispersion System of Nano/Microsized Polymer Particles Considering Swelling Behavior. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 37(3), 407-414.2016

[60]Hongqing Song, Yuhe Wang, Jiulong Wang, Zhengyi Li.Unifying diffusion and seepage for nonlinear gas transport in multiscale porous media, Chemical Physics letters, 661, 246-250.2016

[61]Yi Xing, Hongqing Song, Mingxu Yu, Cheng Wang, Yang Zhou, Guanghui Liu, Li Du, The Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy-Duty Trucks in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) Region in China, Atmosphere, 7, 121, 2016

[62]Kulatilake, P. H., Shreedharan, S., Huang, G., Cai, S., & Song, H. 3-D discontinuum numerical modeling of rock mass stability investigations due to ore extraction and backfilling, and subsidence estimation for an underground mine. In 35th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining 2016. Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 222-230, 2016.

[63]Jiulong Wang, Hongqing Song, Weiyao Zhu, Jie He, John Killough, A FRACTAL-BASED MODEL FOR RELATIVE PERMEABILITY IN NANOSCALE PORES WITH INTERFACIAL EFFECTS, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal, 7(4), 335-343, 2016

[64]Jianhui Li, Hongqing Song, Weiyao Zhu, Wei Meng, EXPERIMENTS AND NUMERICAL MODEL OF OIL−CHEMICAL AGENT TWO-PHASE FLOW WITH THERMAL STABILITY EFFECT AT HIGH TEMPERATURE, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal, 7(4), 365-372, 2016

[65]Hongqing Song, Mingxu Yu, Weiyao Zhu, Peng Wu, Yu Lou, Yuhe Wang, John Killough, Numerical investigation of gas flow rate in shale gas reservoirs with nano porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 80:626-635, 2015

[66]Hongqing Song, Yang Cao, Mingxu Yu, Yuhe Wang, John Killough, Juliana Leung, Impact of permeability heterogeneity on production characteristics in water-bearing tight gas reservoirs with threshold pressure gradient, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 22:172-181, 2015

[67]Abdulhamed Alfaleh , Yuhe Wang, Bicheng Yan, John Killough, Hongqing Song, Topological Data Analysis to Solve Big Data Problem in Reservoir Engineering: Application to Inverted 4D Seismic Data, SPE-174985-MS

[68]Zhengyi Li, Chenji Wei, Juliana Leung, Yuhe Wang, Hongqing Song, Numerical and Experimental Study on Gas Flow in Nano porous Media, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 27(2015)738-744.

[69]Song Zhiyong, Hongqing Song, Yang Cao, John Killough, Juliana Leung. Numerical research on CO2 storage efficiency in saline aquifer with low-velocity non-Darcy flow. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 23: 338-345. 2015

[70]Hongqing Song, Zhengyi Li, Yuhe Wang, Weiyao Zhu, Yang Cao, John Killough. A Novel Approach for Modeling Gas Flow Behaviors in Unconventional Reservoirs with Nano porous Media. In International Petroleum Technology Conference. International Petroleum Technology Conference.2015.

[71]高英,朱维耀,岳明,李爱山,张燎原,宋洪庆. 体积压裂页岩油储层渗流规律及产能模型[J]. 东北石油大学学报,2015,01:80-86+6.

[72]Ying Gao, Weiyao Zhu, Ying Yue, Aishan Li, Liaoyuan Zhang, Hongqing Song. Seepage law and productivity model of stimulated reservoir volume in shale oil reservoirs. Journal of Northeast Petroleum University. 01:80-86+6.2015.

[73]龙运前,朱维耀,宋付权,宋洪庆,岳明. 低渗透储层纳微米聚合物颗粒分散体系调驱多相渗流理论[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,05:1812-1819.

[74]Yunqian Long, Weiyao Zhu, Fuquan Song, Hongqing Song, Ming Yue. Multi-phase flow of aqueous dispersion system of nano/micron-sized polymer particles in low permeability reservoir. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). 05:1812-1819.2015.

[75]Alfaleh, A., Wang, Y., Yan, B., Killough, J., Song, H., & Wei, C. Topological Data Analysis to Solve Big Data Problem in Reservoir Engineering: Application to Inverted 4D Seismic Data. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2015.

[76]Hongqing Song and Gang Huang,Analytical model of CO2 storage efficiency in saline aquifer with vertical heterogeneity. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 18:77-89, 2014

[77]宋洪庆,刘启鹏,于明旭, 页岩气井渗流特征及压裂井产能. 北京科技大学学报. 36(2):139-144, 2014

[78]Hongqing Song, Qipeng Liu, Mingxu Yu, Peng Wu, Yu Zhang, Characteristics of gas flow and productivity of fractured wells in shale gas sediments. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing. 36(2):139-144, 2014

[79]Tianxin Li, Hongqing Song, Gang Huang, Ying Bi, Xiyao Li, Assessment of groundwater changing trends through the generalized large well method with confined–unconfined flow model in open-pit mine area. Environmental Earth Sciences. 1-8, 2014

[80]Hongqing Song, Qipeng Liu, Dawei Yang, Mingxu Yu, Yu Lou, Weiyao Zhu, Productivity equation of fractured horizontal well in a water-bearing tight gas reservoir with low-velocity non-Darcy flow, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 18:467-473, 2014

[81]黄刚,蔡嗣经,宋洪庆,闫振雄,陈利华, 地下矿山充填料岩石区域非均质一维渗流规律. 北京科技大学学报. 36(1):8-13, 2014

[82]Gang Huang, Sijing Cai, Hongqing Song, Zhenxiong Yan,Lihua Chen, One-dimensional seepage laws of backfill-rock in heterogeneous area in underground mines, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing. 36(1):8-13, 2014.

[83]娄钰,朱维耀,宋洪庆,黄小荷,王小锋,张雪龄, 考虑固液界面作用的表观渗透率分形模型. 东北石油大学学报. 38(2):69-73+9, 2014

[84]Yu Lou; Weiyao Zhu; Hongqing Song; Xiaohe Huang; Xiaofeng Wang; Xueling Zhang, Apparent permeability model for fractal porous media considering the effect of solid-liquid interface, Journal of Northeast petroleum University. 38(2):69-73+9, 2014

[85]朱维耀,岳明,高英,宋洪庆,黄小荷, 致密油层体积压裂非线性渗流模型及产能分析. 中国矿业大学学报. 43(2):248-254, 2014

[86]Weiyao Zhu, Ming Yue, Ying Gao, Hongqing Song, Xiaohe Huang, Nonlinear flow model and productivity of stimulated reservoir volume in tight oil reservoirs, Journal of China University of Mining& Technology. 43(2):248-254, 2014

[87]王明,杜利,聂法健,韩宏彦,龙运前,宋洪庆等. 高温高压 CO 2/水交替微观驱油机制及运移特征[J]. 科技导报, 2014, 32(36): 80-85.

[88]Ming Wang, Li Du, Nie Fajian, Hongyan Han, Yunqian Long, Hongqing Song,Microscopic Visualization Simulation of CO2/Water Alternating Flooding. Science & Technology Review., 2014, 32(36): 80-85.

[89]朱维耀,高英,岳明,宋洪庆,邓佳等.薄互层低渗透油藏水平井压裂产能模型[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2014, 22(6): 1140-1149.

[90]Weiyao Zhu, Ying Gao, Ming Yue, Hongqing Song, Jia Deng, Productivity Equation of Multi-fractured Horizontal Well in Thin Inter-bedded Low Permeability Reservoirs, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. 2014, 22(6): 1140-1149.

[91]SONG Hong-Qing, YU Ming-Xu, ZHU Wei-Yao, ZHANG Yu, JIANG Shan-Xue, Dynamic Characteristics of Gas Transport in Nano porous Media. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 30(1), 014701, 2013

[92]Yu Lou, Hongqing Song, Jiaosheng Yang, Xiaohe Huang, He Dong, Productivity equation of fractured well in CBM reservoirs, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 11:39-45, 2013

[93]朱维耀,董熇,宋洪庆,杨焦生,岳明, 低渗透煤层气水两相非线性渗流数学模型及计算分析. 科技导报. 31(22):36-39, 2013

[94]WeiYao Zhu, He Dong, Hongqing Song ,Jiaosheng Yang, Ming Yue, A Mathematical Model for Gas-water Two-phase Nonlinear Flow in Low Permeability Coal Reservoirs and Calculation Analysi. Science & Technology Review. 31(22):36-39, 2013

[95]宋洪庆,朱维耀,王一兵,岳明,刘卫东, 煤层气低速非达西渗流解析模型及分析. 中国矿业大学学报. 42(1):93-99,2013

[96]Hongqing Song, WeiYao Zhu, Yibing Wang, Ming Yue, WeiDong Liu, Analytical model of low-velocity non-Darcy flow of coalbed methane and its analysis. Journal of China University of Mining& Technology. 42(1):93-99,2013

[97]朱维耀,岳明,宋洪庆,杨焦生,王一兵,于明旭, 考虑解吸扩散过程的煤层气压裂直井产能模型研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报. 21(5):953-960, 2013.

[98]Weiyao Zhu; Ming Yue; Hongqing Song; Jiaosheng Yang; Yibing Wang; Mingxu Yu, Productivity Model of Gas flow in CBM Fractured Reservoirs Considering Desorption and Diffusion, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. 21(5):953-960, 2013.

[99]于明旭,朱维耀,宋洪庆, 低渗透储层可视化微观渗流模型研制. 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版). 32(12):1646-1650, 2013

[100] Ming, Y., Weiyao, Z., Hongqing, S., Yu, L., Xueling, Z., & Ying, G. Temperature Distribution of Steam Stimulation in Fractured Heavy Oil Reservoir Using Fractal-like Tree Branching Network. Information Technology Journal, 12(23), 7250, 2013.