


























[1] 企业科技项目,数据中心基础设施数据处理与分析关键技术研究2021-0152),2021.10-2024.3,主持,在研。



[4]青年教师学科交叉研究培育项目, 知识和数据混合驱动下既有办公建筑空调系统的负荷动态预测与智能优化运行(FRF-IDRY-19-015),2020.01-2021.12,主持,结题

[5]中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 固体吸附式空气取水流程关键技术研究(FRF-TP-18-014A3),2019.01-2020.12,主持,结题。

[6]中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 吸附同冷凝结合的太阳能驱动空气取水装置关键技术研究(FRF-GF-17-B35),2017.11-2018.12,主持,结题。


1. 授权发明专利5项:

[1] 全热回收转轮和除湿转轮结合的双转轮新风处理机组, 201410569332.1.

[2]一种磁制冷和转轮除湿结合的温湿度独立控制空调系统, 201910426418.1.

[3] 一种采暖装置, 202111496433.7.

[4] 一种锅炉烟气全热深度回收装置, 202210414069.3.

[5] 一种基于动态负荷预测的电动汽车空调系统及控制方法,202210833599.1.

2. 出版英文专著1部:

[1] Rang Tu; Lanbin Liu. Dehumidification Technologies Using Desiccant Wheels. 冶金工业出版社,2023.

3. 以本人第一/学生第一本人通讯作者身份发表论文19篇,包括TOP期刊SCI论文17篇:

[1] Q.X. Zhang, R. Tu*, M.D. Liu, Performance analyses and optimization studies of desiccant wheel assisted atmospheric water harvesting system under global ambient conditions, Energy, 2023, 128477.

[2] X.Z. Chen, R. Tu*, X. Yang. Parameter prediction optimization of data center’s heat dissipation system using machine learning algorithms [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering 232 (2023) 121047.

[3] X.Z. Chen, R. Tu*, M. Li, X. Yang, Kun Jia. Hot Spot Temperature Prediction and Operating Parameter Estimation of Racks in Data Center Using Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Simulation Data [J]. Building Simulation, 2023. DOI:10.1007/s12273-023-1022-4.

[4] X.Z. Chen, R. Tu*, M. Li, X. Yang, Performance of a novel central heating system combined with personalized heating devices [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023 (225): 120166.

[5] S.Q. Wang, R. Tu*, X.Z. Chen, X. Yang, K. Jia, Thermal performance analyses and optimization of data center centralized-cooling system [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023 (222): 119817.

[6] M.D. Liu, R. Tu*, X.Z. Chen, Z.L. Wu, J. Zhu, X. Yang. Performance analyses of an advanced heat pump driven fresh air handling system using active and passive desiccant wheels under various weather conditions [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022 (141): 1-11.

[7] S.Q. Wang, R. Tu*, X.Z. Chen. Dynamic performance analyses and optimization studies on air dehumidifiers using multi-stage desiccant plates [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022 (212): 118546.

[8] X.Z. Chen, R. Tu*, M. Li, X. Yang, Prediction models of air outlet states of desiccant wheels using multiple regression and artificial neural network methods based on criterion numbers[J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022 (204): 117940.

[9] M.D. Liu, R. Tu*, Z.L. Wu, J. Zhu. Performance analyses of desiccant wheel-assisted atmospheric water harvesting system using renewable heating and cooling sources[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022,252,115065.

[10] Tu R*, Liu MD, Wang SQ, Yang X. Performance analyses and optimizations of desiccant wheel-assisted atmospheric water harvesting systems based on ideal thermodynamic cycles[J]. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;245;114540.

[11] R. Tu, J.Q. Li Y.H. Hwang*. Study of temperature uniformity and thermal storage performances of a shell-and-tube type phase change plate[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2021,122:69-80.

[12] J.Q. Li, R. Tu*, M.D. Liu, S.Q. Wang. Exergy analysis of a novel multi-stage latent heat storage device based on uniformity of temperature differences fields[J].Energy. 2021, 221:119884.

[13] R. Tu, L.J. Huang, A.B. Jin*, M.F. Zhang, X. Hai. Characteristic studies of heat sources and performance analysis of free-cooling assisted air conditioning and ventilation systems for working faces of mineral mines[J]. Building Simulation, 2021, 1-12.

[14] R. Tu, J.Q. Li Y.H. Hwang*. Fresh air humidification in winter using desiccant wheels for cold and dry climate regions: Optimization study of humidification processes[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2020, 118:121-130.

[15] R. Tu, Y.H. Hwang*. Reviews of atmospheric water harvesting technologies[J]. Energy. 2020, 201, 117630.

[16] R. Tu, J.Q. Li Y.H. Hwang*. Performance analysis of desiccant wheels assisted fresh air humidifiers in winter using natural gas boilers: Applied in cold and dry climate regions[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2020, 119:24-36.

[17] R. Tu, Y.H. Hwang*. Performance analyses of a new system for water harvesting from moist air that combines multi-stage desiccant wheels and vapor compression cycles[J]. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019,198,111811.


[19] 涂壤,刘孟丹,王思琪.转轮辅助空气取水流程优化及性能分析[J].上海交通大学学报,2021,55(11):1392-1400.