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赵洪宇,男,1987年9月生,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,山西省太原市科学技术局党组成员、副局长(挂职),加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学博士后,入围美国斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家、2020年中国博士后国际交流支持计划派出项目,中国煤炭学会会员、中国有色金属学会会员,北京能源与环境学会会员;担任Petroleum & petrochemical engineering journal、Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research 期刊Associate Editor,Processes期刊“环境与绿色过程”领域咨询委员会成员,Processes期刊"污染物去除技术"领域、Minerals 期刊“能源热转化”领域的Guest Editor;以第一作者及通讯作者在Energ Convers Manag、Fuel、Int J Hydrogen Energ、J Anal Appl Pyrol等期刊发表SCI/EI检索论文40余篇,入选ESI热点论文2篇,高被引论文8篇。秉承“坚持与行业企业深入交流---从行业实际中发现问题---回归科学问题---研发关键技术”的研究理念。








2013.09 - 2016.07


2010.09 - 2013.07


2006.09 - 2010.07







1. 难利用矿产资源高效清洁利用/金属矿原位溶浸开采

2. 低阶煤催化热解/多孔材料制备及表征

3. 煤基大宗固废(煤矸石)资源化利用

4. 退役锂电梯次利用与金属回收



1. 国家重点研发计划项目:高磷鲕状赤铁矿矿相重构高效利用关键技术与装备(起止年月:2022/01-2025/12,859万,首席:东北大学 高鹏教授,项目骨干,2021YFC2902404)

2. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作项目:褐煤资源杂质精准脱除与定向催化热解耦合提质关键技术(2023-2025,150万(23万),首席:中国矿业大学 邢耀文教授,2023YFE0100600,任务负责人)

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:金属矿原位溶浸开采(2021-2025,300万,首席:北京科技大学 尹升华教授,项目骨干,52034001)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:非晶质胶硫钼矿生物浸出过程中矿物界面钼/硫形态转化及其驱动机制(2021-2025,主持,60万,参与,52174235)

5. 国家自然科学青年基金项目:煤热解与铁矿石还原过程中限速反应步骤影响机制研究(2018-2020,主持,25万,已结题,51704016)

6. 2020年中国博士后国(境)外交流派出项目:闪速超高温反应器温度检测与协同控制技术研究(2021-2022,主持,30万,结题,PC2020004)

7. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(站前):铁矿石积碳机制研究(2019-2021,结题,主持,18万,2019TQ0030)

8. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(站中):积碳铁矿石还原性提高机制研究(2018-2019,已结题,主持,15万,2018T110048)

9. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:不同种属铁矿石对焦油分解过程中各组分分布规律影响(2017-2018,已结题,5万,主持,2017M620625

10. 中央高校基本科研业务经费,催化热解过程中铁矿物物相组成变化规律研究(2017-2018,2019-2020,已结题,主持;A1&A2)

11. 北京科技大学青年教师国际交流成长计划项目(2020.6-2021.12-2023.07,执行中,主持,QNXM20210007,QNXM20220006)

12. 校企合作:褐煤灰水杂质赋存、脱除机理与定向催化热解耦合提质影响机制(主持,2024-2026,20万)

13. 校企合作:干燥过程褐煤结构变化对水分复吸及氧化自燃特性影响(主持,2024-2025,3万)

14. 校企合作:高品位含铜金磁铁矿石磨选新工艺研究与应用(共同主持,65万,2023-2024)

15. 校企合作:含类质同象型高钛杂质的铁精矿降钛脱硫技术开发(主持,10万,2023-2024)

16. 校企合作:脉冲电流闪速超高温高效活化提取稀土尾矿中稀土元素关键共性技术研究(主持,14万,2023-2025)

17. 校企合作:承德县建龙铜选厂浮选流程中富集贵金属研究(主持,10万,2022-2023)

18. 校企合作:超重稠油化学结构在热转化过程中演变规律与凝固机理(主持,20.6万,2022-2023)

19. 校企合作:稠油油藏开发末期地下制氢机理研究(主持,2022-2023)

20. 校企合作:页岩油原位加热改质过程中流体-岩石界面相互作用规律及对流动的影响机制(参与,15万,2022-2023)

21. 校企合作:水质硬度平衡调控的煤泥水处理技术研究(参与,100万,2020-2021)

22. 校企合作:高镁镍铁冶炼渣绿色高值化利用研究(参与,150万,2017-2019)

23. 校企合作:多目标优化提高谦比希铜矿选矿技术经济指标的研究(参与,160万,2017-2020)

24. 校企合作:TBS粗煤泥分选研究(参与,30万, 2020-2021)

25. 校企合作:环保机制炭燃烧特性研究(主持,5万,2018-2019)

26. 校企合作:浮选机气体分散性能检测系统的构建及浮选性能优化研究(参与,24.5万, 2018-2019)

27. 校企合作:富油煤热解特性研究(主持,8万,2018-2020)



      [1] YANG Zu-guo, ZHAO Hong-yu*, GUO Ji-xiang, CHEN Yong. Analysis of the microstructure of high viscosity components in Tahe ultra heavy oil based on the          combination of ESI (±) FT-ICR/MS. Fuel 368 (2024)131594.

[2] Shiteng Qin,Yang He, Yuhuan Li, Bern Klein, Shenghua Yin, Pengyun Xu, Hongyu Zhao*. Study on the effect of metal-organic framework-derived nanoporous carbon on the mechanism of carbothermal reduction reaction of spent lithium battery cathode materials and the selective leaching to recover valuable metals. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology,2024. (Accept)

[3] Fangqin Lu, Lingyun Liu*, Chuilei Kong, Hongyu Zhao**. Enhancing Coal Slime Processing: Investigating the Efficacy of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfonate in the Adsorption on Kaolinite Surfaces. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2024. (Accept).


[1] Yuhuan Li, Hongyu Zhao*, Xin Sui, Xuemei Wang, Hinging Ji*. Studies on individual pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of peat–biomass blends: Thermal decomposition behavior, possible synergism, product characteristic evaluations and kinetics. Fuel 310 (2022) 122280. (ESI 高被引论文)

[2] Xiaofang Zhang, Yuhuan Li, Yang He, Debin Kong, Bern Klein, Shenghua Yin, Hongyu Zhao*. Co-pyrolysis characteristics of lignite and biomass and efficient adsorption of magnetic activated carbon prepared by co-pyrolysis char activation and modification for coking wastewater. Fuel, 324(2022)124816.

[3] Xiaofang Zhang, Yuhuan Li, Yang He, Debin Kong, Hongyu Zhao*. Preparation of magnetic activated carbon by activation and modification of char derived from co-pyrolysis of lignite and biomass and its adsorption of heavy metal-containing wastewater. Minerals, 12(2022)665. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12060665.

[4] Huanbao Fan, Junxiao Feng*, Kai Xie,Wei Bai,Yujie Zhao, Weidong Li, Jun Gao,Changpeng Liu, Dongyang Yan, Hongyu Zhao*. Experimental study of operating parameters on the performance of a novel U-type radiant tube with dual flue gas self-circulation structures. Applied Thermal Engineering 207(2022) 118206.

[5] Ruiyang Zhang, Jianying Zhuo, Yuyu Mao, Qiangbo Wan, Hongyu Zhao. Effects of different inorganic oxidizers on removal of xanthate pre-adsorbed on chalcopyrite surface: An effective approach for flotation depression using KMnO4. Minerals Engineering 184(2022) 107655.


[1] Zhao Hongyu#*; Yuhuan Li#; Qiang Song; Shucheng Liu; Li Ma; Xinqian Shu; Catalytic reforming of volatiles from co-pyrolysis of lignite blended with corn straw over three iron ores: Effect of iron ore types on the product distribution, carbon-deposited iron ore reactivity and its mechanism, Fuel 2021;286:119398. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119398. (ESI 高被引论文)

[2] Liu Shucheng; Zhao Hongyu; Zhou J; Fan T; Yang JY; Li GH; Wang YG; Zeng M. The effect of hydrothermal treatment on structure and flotation characteristics of lignite and a mechanistic analysis. ACS Omega 2021; 6(4): 1930–1940.

[3] Liu Shucheng*; Zhao Hongyu*; Fan Tao; Zhou J; Liu XY; Li Yuhuan; Zhao GF; Wang YG; Zeng M. Investigation on chemical structure and hydrocarbon generation potential of lignite in different pretreatment process. Fuel 2021; 120205.


[1] Liu Shucheng#; Zhao Hongyu#*; Liu XY; Li Yuhuan; Zhao GF; Wang YG; Zeng M. Effect of a combined process on pyrolysis behavior of Huolinhe lignite and its kinetic analysis. Fuel 2020; 118485.

[2] Liu Shucheng #; Zhao Hongyu #*; Liu XY; Li Yuhuan; Zhao GF; Wang YG; Zeng M. Effect of hydrothermal upgrading on the pyrolysis and gasification characteristics of Baiyinhua lignite and a mechanistic analysis. Fuel 2020; 118081.

[3] Zhao Hongyu#*; Li Yuhuan#; Song Qiang; Ma Qingxiang; Ma Li; Liu  Shucheng; Shu Xinqian; The rate-limiting step in the integrated coal tar decomposition and upgrading-iron ore reduction reaction determined by kinetic analysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2020, 147:104808.(ESI 高被引论文)

[4] Zhao Hongyu#; Chen Yanli#; Duan Xuqin*; Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue containing high contents of iron and sulfur, Fuel, 2020, 288.

[5] Song Qiang; Zhao Hongyu; Jia Jinwei;et al.Pyrolysis of municipal solid waste with iron-based additives: A study on the kinetic, product distribution and catalytic mechanisms. J. Clean Prod. 2020; 258. (ESI 高被引论文)

[6] Song Qiang*, Zhao Hongyu*, Jia Jinwei, Yang Li, Lv Wen, Gu Qiuxiang,Shu Xinqian. Effects of demineralization on the surface morphology, microcrystalline and thermal transform characteristics of coal. J Anal Appl Pyrol,2020;145.(ESI 高被引论文)

[7] Li Yuhuan, Chang Feng-min,Huang Bo, Song, Ya peng, Zhao Hongyu, Wang Kai-jun*. Activated carbon preparation from pyrolysis char of sewage sludge and its adsorption performance for organic compounds in sewage. Fuel 2020; 266.(ESI 高被引论文)


[1] Zhao Hongyu#*; Li Yuhuan#*; Song Qiang*; Liu Shucheng; Ma Qingxiang; Ma, Li; Shu, Xinqian; Catalytic reforming of volatiles from co-pyrolysis of lignite blended with corn straw over three different structures of iron ores, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2019, 144:0-104714.(ESI 高被引论文)

[2] Zhao, Hongyu#*; Li, Yuhuan#*; Song, Qiang*; Liu, Shucheng; Yan, Jie; Ma, Qingxiang; Ma, Li; Shu, Xinqian; Investigation on the thermal behavior characteristics and products composition of four pulverized coals: Its potential applications in coal cleaning, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(42):23620-23638.(ESI 高被引论文)

[3] Song Qiang, Zhao Hongyu*, Jia Jinwei, Zhang Fan, Wang Zhipu, Lv Wen, Yang Li, Zhang Wei, Zhang Yi,Shu Xinqian*.Characterization of the products obtained by pyrolysis of oil sludge with steel slag in a continuous pyrolysis-magnetic separation reactor. Fuel 2019. 255:115711.

[4] Zhao, Hongyu; Li, Yuhuan*; Song, Qiang; Liu, Shucheng; Yan, Jie; Wang, Xiaohua; Ma, Qingxiang; Shu, Xinqian; Investigation on the physicochemical structure and gasification reactivity of nascent pyrolysis and gasification char prepared in the entrained flow reactor, Fuel, 2019, 240:126-137.(ESI 高被引论文)


[1] Zhao Hongyu; Li Yuhuan; Song Qiang; Wang Xiaohua; Shu Xinqian*; Drying, re-adsorption characteristics, and combustion kinetics of Xilingol lignite in different atmospheres, Fuel, 2017, 210:592-604.

[2] Zhao Hongyu; Song Qiang*; Liu Shucheng; Li Yuhuan; Wang Xiaohua; Shu Xinqian*; Study on catalytic co-pyrolysis of physical mixture/staged pyrolysis characteristics of lignite and straw over an catalytic beds of char and its mechanism, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 161:13-26.

[3] Zhao, Hongyu; Wang, Binze; Li, Yuhuan*; Song, Qiang*; Zhao, Yongqiang; Zhang, Ruiyang; Hu, Yang; Liu, Shucheng; Wang, Xiaohua; Shu, Xinqian*; Effect of chemical fractionation treatment on structure and characteristics of pyrolysis products of Xinjiang long flame coal, Fuel, 2018, 2341193-1204.

[4] Zhao Hongyu, Li Yuhuan, Song Qiang, Lv Junxin, Shu Yuanfeng,Liang Xinxing, Shu Xinqian*. Effects of Iron Ores on the Pyrolysis Characteristics of a Low-rank Bituminous Coal. Energy&Fuel ,2016, 30 (5):3831-3839.

[5] Zhao Hongyu, Sun Tichang, Sun Chunbao, Song Qiang, Li Yuhuan, Wang Xiaohua, Shu Xinqian*. Effects of coal pretreatment on the products of co–pyrolysis of caking bituminous coal and corn stalks mixed in equal proportion. Appl Therm Eng, 2017,125:470-479.

[6] Zhao Hongyu, Sun Tichang,Sun Chunbao, Song Qiang, Li Yuhuan, Wang Xiaohua, Shu Xinqian*.Strengthening the results of destroying the caking property of CBC in weak oxygen and upgrading pyrolysis products. Fuel,2017 205:90-99.

[7] Song Qiang, Zhao Hongyu*, Xing Wenlong, Song Lihua,Yang Li, Yang Di, Shu Xinqian*.Effects of various additives on the pyrolysis characteristics of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 2018.

[8] Li Yuhuan, Zhao Hongyu*, Song Qiang, Wang Xiaohua, Shu Xinqian. Influence of critical moisture content in lignite dried by two methods on its physicochemical properties during oxidation at low temperature. Fuel 2017 211:27-37.

[9] 赵洪宇,李玉环,宋强,吕俊鑫,舒元锋,王子民,阎杰,曾鸣,舒新前*.外加铁矿石对哈密低阶煤热解特性影响[J].燃料化学学报,2016,40(2):154-161.(EI收录)

[10] 赵洪宇,任善普,贾晋炜,付兴民,李子君,梁新星,阎杰,曾鸣,舒心前*.钙、镍离子3种不同负载方式对褐煤热解-气化特性影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2015,40(07):1660-1669.(F5000精品论文,EI收录)

[11] 赵洪宇,任善普,贾晋炜,付兴民,李子君,鲁明元,曾鸣,舒心前*.褐煤经四氢化萘处理后的结构及热解-气化特性分析[J].化工学报,2015,66(10):4193-4201. (EI收录)

[12] 赵洪宇,李玉环,任善普,宋强,吕俊鑫,舒元锋,阎杰,曾鸣,舒新前*. 钙、镍离子负载方式对烟煤热解-气化特性影响及煤焦结构分析[J]. 煤炭学报,2015,40(12):2939-2947. (EI收录)

赵洪宇,郑星,付兴民,贾晋炜,徐国欢,鲁明元,曾鸣,舒心前*.热压脱水对褐煤结构及热解特性的影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2015,40(5):1165-1173. (煤炭学报2015影响力优秀学术论文,EI收录)


(1) 一种纳米多孔碳材料及应用和利用其回收锂电池中有价金属的方法.[国家发明专利, 202311225657.3]

(2) 难选铁矿对低阶煤催化热解实现焦油提质和铁还原的一体化技术.[国家发明专利, 申请号:201510786181.X]

(3) 一种进行淋溶试验的可循环淋溶装置[国家发明专利,申请号:201510746305.1]

(4) 一种进行淋溶试验的可循环淋溶装置[实用新型专利,申请号:201520878112.7]


(1) 《工程科学学报》第二届 (2024年)青年编委会委员

(2) 《洁净煤技术》(2023年)青年编委会委员

(3) 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家;2021

(4) 教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家,2021

(5) 北京市科协“千人进千企”服务专家,2022

(6) 临汾市科技活动专家库成员,2021

(7) Processes期刊Section Topical Advisory Panel Members for 'Environmental and Green Processes,2022

(8) Processes期刊"污染物去除技术"领域 Guest Editor,2022-2023

(9) Minerals 期刊“能源热转化"领域Guest Editor,2021-2023

(10) Petroleum & petrochemical engineering journal 期刊Associate Editor,2021

(11) 《洁净煤技术》中青年编委,2017


(1) 入选美国斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家,2022

(2) 北京科技大学工会积极分子,2021

(3) 中国博士后基金国际流派出项目资助,2020

(4) 《煤炭学报》论文入选F5000-中国精品期刊顶尖学术论文,2020

(5) 北京科技大学校级优秀班导师,2019

(6) 中国矿物加工大会第13分会场“矿物热转化与煤炭深加工”优秀召集人,2019

(7) Elsevier颁发的Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, 2019

(8) 北京科技大学校级优秀博士后,2018

(9) 中国矿业大学(北京)2016 年校级优秀博士学位论文,2017

(10) 《煤炭学报》2015 年影响力优秀学术论文,2017

(11)  中国电信奖学金·“飞young奖”,2016

(12)  博士研究生国家奖学金,2015

(13)  中国矿业大学(北京)优秀研究生,2012





