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本科|2004 - 2008|北京科技大学,材料科学与工程

硕士| 2008 - 2010|圣何塞州立大学,材料科学与工程

博士 | 2010 - 2014|弗吉尼亚理工大学,土木与环境工程


2010年08月 – 2014年12月 美国弗吉尼亚理工交通研究所(VTTI),研究助理

2014 年12月– 2019年1月 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,土木与环境工程系,博士后


主要研究领域为适用于路面材料及结构相关技术,道路交通的新能源技术,高性能路面材料,路面材料的微观分析技术以及新型道路材料制造技术。参与并完成美国联邦公路局,弗吉尼亚交通理事会等资助项目4项,总金额约800万人民币。发表高水平学术论文近20篇,在包括《APPLIED ENERGY》《CONSTRUCTION BUILDING MATERIALS》在内的多个国内外顶级期刊担任独立审稿人。




美国联邦公路局,“应用于公众路面的压电能量采集技术”,800万人民币,BAA NO. DTFH61-09-R-00017

美国联邦公路局,“道路排水层材料—沥青稳定碎石的水损害研究—美国联邦公路局监管项目”,200万人民币,TPF 5(229)

弗吉尼亚交通研究理事会,“对用于道路表面的’FIBERMAT ®路面处理涂层材料’的综合型测试”,70万人民币


[1].Xiong, H., Zhang, Y. and Wang, L. (2016). “Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Public Roadway: On-Site Installation and Evaluation.” Applied Energy, 174, 101-107.
[2].Xiong, H. and Zhang, Y., (2019) “Feasibility Study for Using Piezoelectric-Based Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) System on Public Roadway”, Applied Science, 19(5), 3098.
[3].Xiong, H., Wang, L., Wang, D. and Druta, C. (2012). “Piezoelectric energy harvesting from traffic induced deformation of pavements”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 5(5), 333-337.
[4].Xiong, H., Zhang, Y. and Wang, L. (2016). “Temperature Effect on Deflection Prediction of Asphalt Pavement with Drainage Structure”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(4), 04016261.
[5].Zhang, Y., Druta, C., Linbing Wang., Xiong., H. and Zhang, W. (2017) “Dynamic responses of asphalt concrete slab under cyclic wheel loading using acceleration spectrum analysis”, Construction and Building Materials, 152(15), 134-144.
[6].Hou, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, J. and Xiong, H. (2017). “Study on the Microscopic Friction Between Tire and Asphalt Pavement Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.09.001
[7].Huang, Y., Wang, L. and Xiong, H. (2017). “Evaluation of pavement response and performance under different scales of APT facilities”, Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1329871
[8].Zhang, Y., Druta, C., Wang, L. and Xiong, H. (2017). “Dynamic responses of asphalt concrete slab under cyclic wheel loading using acceleration spectrum analysis”, Construction and Building Materials,Vol. 152, pp. 134-144.
[9].Wu, J., Hou, Y., Wang, L. and Xiong. (2017) “Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Performance Based on the Modified Micro Deval Abrasion Test”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.10.007
[10].Qian, Z., Miao, Y., Xiong, H. and Wang, L., (2017) “Aggregate Fatigue Failure on Macro Texture Polishing of Asphalt Pavement”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.09.009
[11].Wu, J., Wang, L.,  Hou, Y., Xiong. H, Lu, Y. and Zhang, L., (2017). “A Digital Image Analysis of Gravel Aggregate using CT Scanning Technique”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.08.002.
[12].Huang, Y., Hugo, F., Steyn, W., Xiong, H. and Wang, L., (2017). “Comparative Evaluation of Performance of Warm Mix RAP Asphalt Under Accelerated Unidirectional Wheelload Trafficking”, The Roles of Accelerated Pavement Testing in Pavement Sustainability, pp.847-861.
[13].Wang, W., Wang, L., Xiong, H. and Luo, R. (2019), “A review and perspective for research on moisture damage in asphalt pavement induced by dynamic pore water pressure”, Construction and Building Material, 204(20), 631-642
[14].Wang, L., Xiong, H., Gong, H., Shu, X. and Huang, B. (2018) “Development in innovative characterization, modeling and simulation of pavements and materials.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 19(5), 379–380.
[15].Wu, J., Hou, Y., Wang, L., Guo, M., Meng, L. and Xiong H. (2018) “Analysis of coarse aggregate performance based on the modified Micro Deval abrasion test”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 11(2), 185-194.
[16].Meng, L., Wang, L., Xiong, H., Wang, H. and Guo, X. “An investigation in the influence of helical structure on bend loss of pavement optical fiber sensor”, Optik (Accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.02.102).
[17].Zhang, Z., Li, P., Li Z., Zhang M. and Xiong, H., (2019) “A prefabricated underground cylindrical garage and its stiffness analysis”, Environmental Earth Sciences.
[18].Li, P., Zou, H., Wang, F. and Xiong., H. (2019) “An analytical model of limit support pressure on cutting face for deep tunnels in the sand”, Environmental Earth Sciences.