2009.9-2013.6 重庆大学 采矿工程,学士
2013.9-2016.6 中国矿业大学(北京) 采矿工程,硕士
2016.9-2020.2 德国TU Bergakademie Freiberg 岩土工程,博士 (学位荣誉Magna Cum Laude)
2020.2-2020.9 德国TU Bergakademie Freiberg 岩土工程,Research Associate
2020.10-至今 北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院,特聘副教授
1. 岩石及混凝土疲劳/冻融/干湿循环破坏特性研究
2. 厚煤层综放开采顶煤放出规律及散体力学研究
3. 岩石磨蚀性研究
4. 基于颗粒流程序的数值计算研究
1. 中国煤炭学会会员
2. 中国岩石力学与工程学会会员
3. 放顶煤开采煤炭行业工程研究中心成员
4. 期刊《Geofluids》多期专刊客座主编,SCI JCR 2区
5. 期刊《International Journal of Coal Science and Technology》,Springer,EI 期刊,学术编辑Academic Editor
6. 中国卓越期刊,中科院1区,SCI TOP期刊《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》首届青年编委
7. 中国卓越期刊,EI期刊《中国矿业大学学报》首届青年编委
8. 中文核心期刊,中国科技核心期刊《西安科技大学学报》首届青年编委
9. 包含IJRMMS,RMRE,TUST,CBM,IJF,EFM在内的20余项国际SCI期刊经常性审稿人
1. 北京科技大学特聘人才计划专项资金,2021/01-2023/9,主持
2. 西安科技大学西部煤炭绿色安全开发国家重点实验室开放基金,2020/12-2022/12,主持
3. 欧盟创新基金Safe deep mining funded by European institute of innovation & technology,EU Horizon 2020,参与
4. 973计划课题高强度开采下重大地质灾害的形成机理与预测(2013CB227903),参与
5. 国家自然科学基金煤炭联合基金重点项目浅埋厚煤层综放开采围岩控制及顶煤三维放出规律基础研究(U1361209),参与
1. Zhengyang Song, Yu Wang, Heinz Konietzky, Xin Cai. Mechanical behavior of marble exposed to freeze-thaw-fatigue loading, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2021. (If=4.151) SCI.
2. Guangzhe Zhang, Heinz Konietzky, Zhengyang Song*, Shan Huang. Study of some testing condition-based factors affecting Cerchar abrasivity index (CAI), Arabian Journal of Geoscience. 2021. (If=1.327) SCI.
3. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky, Martin Herbst. Drawing mechanism of fractured top coal in longwall top coal caving, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2020. (If=4.151) SCI. ESI高被引论文
4. Xin Cai, Zilong Zhou, Lihai Tan, Haizhi Zang, Zhengyang Song*. Fracture behavior and damage mechanisms of sandstone subjected to wetting-drying cycles, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020. (If=3.426) SCI.
5. Guangzhe Zhang, Heinz Konietzky, Zhengyang Song*, Min Zhang. Study of Cerchar abrasive parameters and their relations to intrinsic properties of rocks for construction, Construction and Building Materials. 2020. (If=4.419) SCI.
6. Min Zhang, Linming Dou, Heinz Konietzky, Zhengyang Song*, Shan Huang. Cyclic fatigue characteristics of strong burst-prone coal: Experimental insights from energy dissipation, hysteresis and micro-seismicity, International Journal of Fatigue. 2020. (If=4.369) SCI.
7. Zhengyang Song*, Thomas Frühwirt, Heinz Konietzky. Inhomogeneous mechanical behaviour of concrete subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading, International Journal of Fatigue. 2020. (If=4.369) SCI. ESI高被引论文
8. Zhengyang Song*, Thomas Frühwirt, Heinz Konietzky. Characteristics of dissipated energy of concrete subjected to cyclic loading, Construction and Building Materials. 2018. (If=4.419) SCI.
9. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Frühwirt. The hysteresis energy-based failure indicators for concrete under the condition of fatigue loading, International Journal of Fatigue. 2018. (If=4.369) SCI.
10. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky, Martin Herbst. Three-dimensional particle model based numerical simulation on multi-level compressive cyclic loading of concrete, Construction and Building Materials. 2019. (If=4.419) SCI.
11. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky, Martin Herbst. Bonded-particle model-based simulation of artificial rock subjected to cyclic loading, Acta Geotechnica. 2019. (If=4.350) SCI. ESI热点论文, ESI高被引论文
12. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Frühwirt. Hysteresis and dynamic response features of concrete exposed to repeated multi-level compressive loading, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE. 2019. (If=2.169) SCI.
13. Zhengyang Song*, Heinz Konietzky A particle-based numerical investigation on longwall top coal caving mining, Arabian Journal of Geoscience. 2019. (If=1.327) SCI.
14. Zhengyang Song, Weijie Wei, Jinwang Zhang. Numerical investigation of effect of particle shape on isolated extracted zone (IEZ) in block caving, Arabian Journal of Geoscience. 2018. (If=1.327) SCI.