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1993年9月-1997年7月 中国矿业大学,煤田地质勘查专业,工学学士

2005年9月-2010年7月 南京大学,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业, 理学博士

1997年7月~2005年9月 安徽煤田地质局第三勘探队,工程师(2002)

2010年7月-2012年9月 中国地质科学院地质研究所,博士后

2012年9月-2022年3月 中国地质科学院地质研究所,副研究员(2013)、研究员(2016)

2016年12月~ 2017年11月 德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学,访问学者














5.中国地质调查局项目,东天山星星峡1:5 万变质基底专题地质填图试点(DD20160122-03)(2016-2018)






3.2015年《Science Bulletin》优秀作者



贺振宇,颜丽丽,李林,张进,2021. 北山造山带南部石板墩地区1:5万地质图

贺振宇,朱文斌,葛荣峰,陆天宇,吴海林,颜丽丽,温定军,朱米西,李林,2018. 东天山星星峡1:5万变质基底专题地质图


1.Lu Tian-Yu, He Zhen-Yu*, Klemd Reiner, 2022. Identifying crystal accumulation and melt extraction during formation of high-silica granite. Geology 50, 216-221

2.姜洪颖, 贺振宇*, 2021. 北山造山带南部晚古生代花岗岩-闪长岩的成因与构造意义. 地球科学. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1874.P.20211118.2109.022.html

3.贺振宇, 颜丽丽, 2021. 锆石微量元素地球化学对硅质火山岩浆系统的制约. 岩石矿物学杂志40 (5), 939-951. [Zircon trace element geochemistry constrains on the silicic volcanic system]

4.Shui, X.-F., Klemd, R., He, Z.-Y.*, Mao, J.-W., Zhao, Y.-Y., 2021. Geochronology and petrogenesis of Eocene gabbros and granitic rocks of the eastern Gangdese belt, southern Tibet: Implications for the timing of India-Asia collision. Gondwana Research 97, 145-157. 

5.Yan, L.-L., He, Z.-Y.*, Klemd, R., Beier, C., Xu, X.-S., 2020. Tracking crystal-melt segregation and magma recharge using zircon trace element data. Chemical Geology 542, 119596. 

6.Lu Tian-Yu, He Zhen-Yu*, Klemd Reiner, 2020. Two phases of post-onset collision adakitic magmatism in the southern Lhasa subterrane, Tibet and their tectonic implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132, 1587-1602. 

7.Wen, D.-J., He, Z.-Y.*, 2020. Late Carboniferous crustal evolution of the Chinese Central Tianshan microcontinent: Insights from zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopes of granites. Geological Journal 55, 1947-1963. 

8.Wen, D.-J., He, Z.-Y.*, Zhang, Z.-M., 2019. Geochemistry and tectonic implications of Early Permian granitic rocks in the Xingxingxia area of Chinese Central Tianshan Arc Terrane. Geological Journal, 54, 1578-1590. 

9.He Zhen-Yu, Klemd Reiner, Yan Li-Li, Zhang Ze-Ming, 2018. The origin and crustal evolution of microcontinents in the Beishan orogen of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 1–14. 

10.He Zhen-Yu, Klemd Reiner, Yan Li-Li, Lu Tian-Yu, Zhang Ze-Ming, 2018. Mesoproterozoic juvenile crust in microcontinents of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: evidence from oxygen and hafnium isotopes in zircon. Scientific Reports, 8, 5054. 

11.Yan Lili, He Zhenyu*, Beier Christoph, Klemd Reiner, 2018. Geochemical constraints on the link between volcanism and plutonism at the Yunshan caldera complex, SE China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173: 4. 

12.Yan, L.-L., He, Z.-Y.*, Beier, C., Klemd, R., 2018. Zircon trace element constrains on the link between volcanism and plutonism in SE China. Lithos 320-321, 28-34. 

13.Shui, X., He, Z.*, Klemd, R., Zhang, Z., Lu, T., Yan, L., 2018. Early Jurassic adakitic rocks in the southern Lhasa sub-terrane, southern Tibet: Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Geological Magazine, 155, 132–148. 

14.Yan Li-Li, He Zhen-Yu*, Jahn Bor-ming, Zhao Zhi-Dan, 2016. Formation of the Yandangshan volcanic–plutonic complex (SE China) by melt extraction and crystal accumulation. Lithos 266–267, 287–308. 

15.陆天宇,贺振宇*,张泽明,水新芳,颜丽丽, 2016. 西藏冈底斯尼木后碰撞花岗岩的岩浆混合作用:显微结构证据. 岩石学报, 32(12), 3613-3623. [Magma mixing of the Nyemo post-collisional granite from the Gangdese magmatic belt, Tibet: Evidence of microstructures] 

16.水新芳,贺振宇*,张泽明,陆天宇, 2016. 西藏冈底斯带东段早侏罗世英云闪长岩的岩浆起源及其对拉萨地体地壳演化的意义. 地质学报, 90(11): 3129-3152. [Magma Origin of Early Jurassic tonalites in the eastern Gangdese magmatic belt, southern Tibet and its implications for the crustal evolution of the Lhasa Terrane]

17.He Zhen-Yu, Klemd Reiner, Zhang Ze-Ming, Zong Ke-Qing, Sun Li-Xin, Tian Zuo-Lin, Huang Bo-Tao, 2015. Mesoproterozoic continental arc magmatism and crustal growth in the eastern Central Tianshan Arc Terrane of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochronological and geochemical evidence. Lithos, 236-237, 74-89. 

18.贺振宇, 孙立新, 毛玲娟, 宗克清, 张泽明, 2015. 北山造山带南部片麻岩和花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素: 中元古代的岩浆作用与地壳生长. 科学通报, 60(4), 389-399. [Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of gneiss and granodiorite from the southern Beishan orogenic collage: Mesoproterozoic magmatism and crustal growth] 

19.Mao, L.-J., He, Z.-Y.*, Zhang, Z.-M., Klemd, R., Tian, Z.-L., Zong, K.-Q., 2015. Origin and geodynamic significance of the early Mesozoic Weiya LP and HT granulites from the Chinese Eastern Tianshan. Lithos, 239, 142-156. 

20.Huang, B.T., He, Z.Y.*, Zhang, Z.M., Klemd, R., Zong, K.Q., Zhao, Z.D., 2015. Early Neoproterozoic granitic gneisses in the Chinese Eastern Tianshan: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 339–352. 

21.颜丽丽,贺振宇*,刘磊,赵志丹, 2015. 浙江雁荡山火山-侵入杂岩的岩浆混合作用:暗色包体中长石环带的证据. 地质通报, 34(2-3), 466–473. [Magma mixing in the Yandangshan volcanic-intrusive complex, Zhejiang Province: Evidence from feldspar zoning of the mafic microgranular enclave] 

22.He, Z.Y., Zhang, Z.M., Zong, K.Q., Xiang, H., Chen, X.J., Xia, M.J., 2014. Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic studies of the Xingxingxia Complex from Eastern Tianshan (NW China): Significance to the reconstruction and tectonics of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos, 190–191, 485–499. 

23.He, Z.Y., Zhang, Z.M., Zong, K.Q., Xiang, H., Klemd, R., 2014. Metamorphic P–T–t evolution of mafic HP granulites in the northeastern segment of the Tarim Craton (Dunhuang block): Evidence for early Paleozoic continental subduction. Lithos, 196–197, 1–13. 

24.贺振宇, 宗克清, 姜洪颖, 向华, 张泽明, 2014. 北山造山带南部早古生代构造演化:来自花岗岩的约束. 岩石学报, 30(8), 3949-3967. [Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the southern Beishan orogenic collage: Insights from the granitoids] 

25.Huang, B.T., He, Z.Y.*, Zong, K.Q., Zhang, Z.M., 2014. Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of Neoproterozoic granitic gneisses from the Alatage area, Xinjiang: constraints on the Precambrian crustal evolution in the Central Tianshan Block. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59 (1), 100-112. 

26.He, Z.Y., Zhang, Z.M., Zong, K.Q., Dong, X., 2013. Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the Tarim Craton: constrained by zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes of meta-igneous rocks from Korla and Dunhuang. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 54–70. 

27.姜洪颖, 贺振宇*, 宗克清, 张泽明, 赵志丹, 2013. 北山造山带南缘北山杂岩的锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素研究. 岩石学报, 29(11), 3949-3967. [Zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic studies on the Beishan complex in the southern Beishan orogenic belt] 

28.He Zhen-Yu, Zhang Ze-Ming, Zong Ke-Qing, Wang Wei, Santosh M., 2012. Neoproterozoic granulites from the northeastern margin of the Tarim Craton: Petrology, zircon U–Pb ages and implications for the Rodinia assembly. Precambrian Research, 212–213, 21–33. 

29.He Zhen-Yu, Xu Xi-Sheng, 2012. Petrogenesis of the Late Yanshanian mantle-derived intrusions in southeastern China: Response to the geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction. Chemical Geology, 328, 208-221. 

30.贺振宇, 张泽明, 宗克清, 于飞, 王伟, 2012. 星星峡石英闪长质片麻岩的锆石年代学:对天山造山带构造演化及基底归属的意义. 岩石学报, 28(6), 1857-1874. [Zircon geochronology of Xingxingxia quartz dioritic gneisses: Implications for the tectonic evolution and Precambrian basement affinity of Chinese Tianshan orogenic belt] 

31.He Zhen-Yu, Xu Xi-Sheng, Niu Yao-Ling, 2010. Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of a Mesozoic granite-syenite-gabbro association from inland South China. Lithos, 119, 621–641. 

32.He Zhen-Yu, Xu Xi-Sheng, Zou Hai-Bo, Wang Xu-Dong, Yu Yao, 2010. Geochronology, petrogenesis and metallogeny of Piaotang granites in the tungsten deposit region of South China. Geochemical Journal, 44, 299–313. 

33.He Zhen-Yu, Xu Xi-Sheng, Yu Yao, Zou Hai-Bo, 2009. Origin of the Late Cretaceous syenite from Yandangshan, SE China, constrained by zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes and geochemical data. International Geology Review, 51(6), 556–582. 

34.贺振宇, 徐夕生, 王孝磊, 陈荣, 2008. 赣南橄榄安粗质火山岩的年代学与地球化学. 岩石学报, 24(11), 2524-2536. [Geochronology and geochemistry of shoshonitic volcanics in southern Jiangxi Province] 

35.贺振宇, 徐夕生, 陈荣, 邢光福, 2007. 赣南中侏罗世正长岩-辉长岩的起源及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 23(6), 1457-1469. [The genesis of middle Jurassic Syenite-gabbro in Southern Jiangxi Province and their geological significance]