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[1] 2009年09月- 2016年01月,河南理工大学,本科+硕士

[2] 2016年09月-2020年08月,Pusan National University,博士

[3] 2020年12月-至今,北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院,讲师,师资博后

[4] 2022年07月-至今,北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院,副教授


[1] 应急管理 / 智慧应急工程

[2] 产品安全 / 风险评估

[3] 灾后响应 / 人道主义物流

[4] 人工智能 / 数学建模及模型优化


[1] 产品安全工程

[2] 智慧应急工程


[1] 智慧应急工程

[2] 人道主义物流

[3] 风险评估技术


[1] 中国系统工程学会应急管理专委会,委员


[1] “2019年度国家优秀自费留学生”,国家留学基金委,2020.07.

[2] “中国物流学会年会论文奖二等奖”,中国物流学会,2021.12.


[1] 国家青年自然基金项目,“后疫情时代重特大突发公共卫生事件应急物资再平衡优化及保障机制研究”,2022.01~2024.12,负责人。

[2] “十三五”国家重点研发子课题项目,“大型明清古建筑(群)场景下人群消防危险行为风险预警”,2021.11~2024.10,负责人。

[3] 中国博士后科学基金[第15批特别资助(站中)],“后疫情时代重特大突发疫情应急物资与装备协同预置及配置策略优化和保障机制研究”项目,2022.07~2023.06,负责人。

[4] 北京科技大学青年教师学科交叉研究培育项目,“智慧电气火灾风险态势感知及预警关键技术研究”项目,2022.08~2024.07,(主)负责人。

[5] 中国科学技术协会,“2022年度科技智库青年人才计划”,2022.07~2023.01,负责人。

[6] 应急管理部科技计划项目,“便携式实时实景危化品事故危害预测预警装置”,2021.11-2023.04,主要参与人。


[1] Gao Xuehong, X. Jin, P. Zheng, et al., Multi-modal transportation planning for multi-commodity rebalancing under uncertainty in humanitarian logistics. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2021. 47: p. 101223.

[2] Gao Xuehong and C. Cao, A novel multi-objective scenario-based optimization model for sustainable reverse logistics supply chain network redesign considering facility reconstruction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 270: p. 122405.

[3] C.J. Cao, O. Tang, Y. Liu and Gao Xuehong, A fuzzy bi-level optimization model for multi-period post-disaster relief distribution in sustainable humanitarian supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, Mar 10: p. 108081.

[4] Gao Xuehong, G. Huang, Q. Zhao, C. Cao, H. Jiang. Robust optimization model for medical staff rebalancing problem with data contamination during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Production Research, 2022, 60:5, 1737-1766.

[5] Gao Xuehong and C. Cao, Multi-commodity rebalancing and transportation planning considering traffic congestion and uncertainties in disaster response. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020. 149: p. 106782.

[6] Gao Xuehong and G.M. Lee, Moment-based rental prediction for bicycle-sharing transportation systems using a hybrid genetic algorithm and machine learning. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019. 128: p. 60-69.

[7] Gao Xuehong, M.K. Nayeem, and I.M. Hezam, A robust two-stage transit-based evacuation model for large-scale disaster response. Measurement, 2019. 145: p. 713-723.

[8] Gao Xuehong, A bi-level stochastic optimization model for multi-commodity rebalancing under uncertainty in disaster response. Annals of Operations Research, 2019: p. 1-34.

[9] Gao Xuehong, A location-driven approach for warehouse location problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020: p. 1-20.

[10] Gao Xuehong, C. Cui. A note on the warehouse location problem with data contamination. RAIRO - Operations Research, 2021, March.

[11] Gao Xuehong, X. Jin. (2020). A Robust Multi-commodity Rebalancing Process in Humanitarian Logistics. In: Advances in Production Management System, APMS 2020. vol 591. Springer, Cham.

[12] Gao Xuehong (2019). A Stochastic Optimization Model for Commodity Rebalancing Under Traffic Congestion in Disaster Response. In: Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2019. vol 567. Springer, Cham.


[1] 一种村级工业园火灾风险有向图刻画方法及装置,CN114202261A

[2] 基于云模型和模糊贝叶斯网络的火灾风险评估方法及装置,CN114186900A

[3] 一种便携式火灾现场保护智慧电子围栏的布点方法,CN114724323A