2009.09-2013.07 河北地质大学,资源勘查工程,获学士学位
2013.09-2018.06 中国科学院大学/地质与地球物理研究所,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,获博士学位
2018.07-2020.08 中国地质科学院地质研究所,博士后
2020.09-至今 北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院讲师
1.Leilei Dong; Xin Bai; Mingchun Song; Runsheng Wang; Crustal thickness of the Jiaodong Peninsula in the Mesozoic: Implications for the destruction of the North China Craton, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023 (SCI)
2.Leilei Dong; Zhiming Yang; Yanhong Liu; Mingchun Song; Possible source of Au in the Jiaodong area from lower crustal sulfide cumulates: Evidence from oxygen states and chalcophile elements contents of Mesozoic magmatic suites, Ore Geology Reviews, 2022, 153 (SCI)
3.Leilei Dong; Zhiming Yang; Mingchun Song; Xin Bai; Petrogenesis of Mesozoic Magmatic Suites in the Jiaodong Peninsula: Implications for Crust-Mantle Interactions and Decratonization, Lithosphere, 2023, (SCI)
4.Leilei Dong; Zhiming Yang; Mingchun Song; Prolonged Mantle Modification beneath the North China Craton: Evidence from Contrasting Mafic Dykes in Jiaodong Peninsula, Journal of Earth Science, 2023 (SCI)
5.Leilei Dong; Zhiming Yang; Xin Bai; Chen Deng; Generation of the Early Cretaceous granitoid in the Dazeshan region, Jiaodong Peninsula: Implications for the crustal reworking in the North China Craton, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023 (SCI)
6.Leilei Dong; Bo Wan; Chen Deng; Keda Cai; Mineral chemistry and sources of fluid and sulfur at the Katbasu gold deposit in South Tianshan, NW China, Ore Geology Reviews, 2020, (SCI)
7.Leilei Dong; Bo Wan; Weizhong Yang; Chen Deng; Zhenyu Chen; Lei Yang; Keda Cai; Wenjiao Xiao; Rb-Sr geochronology of single gold-bearing pyrite grains from the Katbasu gold deposit in the South Tianshan, China and its geological significance: Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, v.100, p.99-110 (SCI).
8.Leilei Dong; Bo Wan; Chen Deng; Keda Cai; Wenjiao Xiao; An Early Permian epithermal gold system in the Tulasu Basin in North Xinjiang, NW China: Constraints from in situ oxygen-sulfur isotopes and geochronology: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, v.153, p.412-424 (SCI).
1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 42103060, 内蒙古金厂沟梁金矿与岩浆作用的成因关联:矿物微量元素与短波红外光谱制约, 2022-01 至 2024-12, 在研, 主持
2.中央高校基本科研业务费,FRF-TP-20-042A1,胶东金成矿与岩浆作用的关系:通过熔融包裹体制约,2020-11 至 2022-10,结题,主持
3.山东省物化探勘查院,胶东深部金矿断裂控矿机理物探勘查地质解释,2021-01 至 2022-12,结题,主持
4.国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 92155305, 特提斯演化的资源效应, 2022-01 至 2025-12, 在研, 项目骨干
5.科技部战略性矿产资源开发利用, “我国中重稀土矿床成矿规律及勘查评价技术”课题“滇黔地区稀土-磷建造中重稀土富集成矿过程及资源高效利用”, 2021-12 至 2026-11,在研, 项目骨干
6.国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目, U2006201, 胶东深部金矿断裂控矿机理, 2021-01 至2024-12, 在研, 项目骨干
7.国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 91955207, 后碰撞环境斑岩铜矿的形成机制:以西藏冈底斯带为例, 2020-01 至 2023-12, 在研, 项目骨干